Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Fashion Scene Review

Featured Fashion Article

Original versus Replica of a Gucci Handbag

By Chloe Andrews

Are you interested in buying a replica of a gucci handbag? If so, you are not alone. But if you want to buy an original as opposed to a replica there are many things that you must consider. The fact of the matter is that Gucci handbags are among the best in the industry.

If you want to buy an original you are probably doing so for the top notch styling, elegance, and of course the quality. If you get duped into buying a replica of a Gucci handbag you will not be getting any of this. Instead, you will be buying a knock off that does not have nearly as many benefits. You should learn as much as you can on how to avoid buying a replica of a Gucci handbag as opposed to an original.

The first thing that you should look for when buying a Gucci handbag is the details. When you buy an original you will be able to see all the finer details that have become synonymous with the Gucci name. But on the other side of things, a replica of a Gucci handbag is not going to have nearly as many details. You will notice that there are loose ends, and that it is not put together as well.

Additionally, replicas of Gucci handbags do not carry the initials on all of the zips; this is something that all the originals have. Also, on the inside of the originals you will be able to find information on how the bag was made, as well as the location in which it was manufactured. Again, if you cannot find this information it is safe to say that you are looking at a replica of a Gucci handbag.

All in all, quality and durability are much better when you buy an original Gucci bag. The fact of the matter is that it can be tough to determine an original from a replica of a Gucci handbag. But if you follow the tips above you should be well on your way to getting what you are after. Just make sure that you take your time during the buying process, and you should not run into any problems.

About The Author

Copyright � Chloe Andrews,, 2007 Chloe Andrews operates the website

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